@article{oai:cur-ren.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000985, author = {Moritoshi, Paul}, journal = {Chugokugakuen journal, Chugokugakuen journal}, month = {}, note = {Out-of-class support is an essential part of university education. With respect to foreign language learning, one form of support is the English café. Chugokugakuen Universitys own English café opened on 1st April, 2015 but in its first year of operation achieved only very low levels of uptake from the student body. This paper sets out the activities conducted to equip the facility in its first year, then describes a questionnaire study (n=18) to investigate the reasons for the low uptake and ideas for how the café can be developed to attract more active participation. The results firstly confirmed the level of uptake as very low. The reasons offered by participants suggested low motivation to learn, a lack of sense of responsibility for their own education, a perception that the facility was not worth going to, a lack of time and understanding about what the facility does and a perceived lack of need for support. The practicality and permissibility of students suggestions on how to improve the English café are discussed and two avenues for further research are stated.}, pages = {21--28}, title = {Establishing an Active English Café Community on CampusInitial Activities and Findings:}, volume = {15}, year = {2016} }