@article{oai:cur-ren.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000983, author = {Matsuhata, Kiichi and Ohashi, Noriaki and Takeno, Junichiro and Fujishiro, Noritake and Fukuda, Eri}, journal = {Chugokugakuen journal, Chugokugakuen journal}, month = {}, note = {This paper reports on how Okayama English Village 2015 events were programmed and conducted, focusing particularly on how they were improved in line with the results of the questionnaires written by the participating pupils of the previous year s Okayama English Village. It also discusses how the events were evaluated by the participants and instructors/assisting staff and then proposes how they can be further improved. According to the evaluations, the events in 2015 were successfully conducted, but there are still several points that need to be improved for future. Among these are: ・to reconsider the dates of the events because there were a only small number of pupils who participated in the fall event ; ・to plan the whole event so as to let the pupils speak more English, desirably between themselves.}, pages = {13--19}, title = {A Practical Research on Fostering “Global Human Resources” Part Ⅳ ― Through Conducting “Okayama English Village” Events ―}, volume = {15}, year = {2016} }