@article{oai:cur-ren.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000191, author = {Sunami-Burden, Kyoko and Sunami-Burden, Kyoko}, journal = {Chugokugakuen journal}, month = {}, note = {This study was originally designed as a preliminary survey for another action research study by Sunami-Burden (2015b), which examines the use of a checklist as a facilitator for reading, in order to perceive the degree of student engagement in Extensive Reading (ER) as well as their opinions of ER. Unexpectedly, this survey revealed that the students majoring in English Communication had been struggling rather than enjoying extensive reading. Nine English majors taking Reading B as an elective subject at Chugoku Junior College participated in this study. The participants completed an open and closed-item questionnaire on the first day of the second semester, which sought their insights into extensive reading. Results showed that extensive reading apparently had helped remove the learners antipathy towards reading in English, but the students lacked awareness of the principles of extensive reading, and did not know the methodology of effective extensive reading. Mizuno (2010), argues that the significance of teaching reading in tertiary education is to lead students to become autonomous readers, who are able to choose a book to read and learn from reading on their own. The participants in this study, however, seems to have been straying into a black hole of ER, meaning that they become very confused. It is most likely that the students are simply doing extensive reading to fulfill the requirements for getting a grade in the same way as Robbs (2002)3) students were. The paper concludes with the argument that learners need teachers' responsive guidance and explicit assistance in extensive reading.}, pages = {9--15}, title = {An Exploration into Students’ Insights about Extensive Reading:Does ER Lead Learners to become Autonomous or Stray Readers?}, volume = {14}, year = {2015} }