@article{oai:cur-ren.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001112, author = {Sasaki, Hironori and Sasaki, Hironori}, journal = {CHUGOKUGAKUEN Journal, CHUGOKUGAKUEN Journal}, month = {}, note = {This study develops and trials a workshop using the “theory of action” proposed by Argyris & Schön. The Faculty Teacher Training course taught by the author introduced a “reflective practitioner model” in 2014 and consequently developed several workshops to help student teachers reflect on their teaching practice and gain practical knowledge. However, the student teachers’ practical knowledge tended to pertain to their underlying values and assumptions, so the workshop was further improved to develop their practical knowledge beyond just their underlying values and assumptions. The “theory of action” indicated a distinction between individuals’ “espoused theory” (what they say) and “theory-in-use” (what they actually do). The participating student teachers’ (N=60) practical knowledge was based on their theory-in-use. In single-loop learning, people modify their action strategies according to the consequences, while in double-loop learning they change their action strategies and governing strategies. The workshop’s activities provided opportunities for single- and double-loop learning and were expected to enhance practical knowledge. The study examines whether the workshop modified participants’ practical knowledge and/or cognitive frameworks beyond their underlying values and assumptions. The participants were divided into 12 groups of four or five. Their practical knowledge was discussed and examined during the workshop. The study revealed that 18 students achieved single-loop learning because they modified their action strategies, but only two achieved double-loop learning by also changing their governing strategies. Therefore it was suggested that the developed workshop could promote single-loop learning for about one third of student teachers and doubleloop learning for only a few.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {Trial of a Workshop Adapting Single-/Double-loop Learning for Nursery Student Teachers}, volume = {19}, year = {2020} }