@article{oai:cur-ren.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001041, author = {Sasaki, Hironori and Sasaki, Hironori}, journal = {CHUGOKUGAKUEN Journal, CHUGOKUGAKUEN Journal}, month = {}, note = {The Faculty Student Teacher Professional Development (FSTPD) course, which the author of this article teaches, was looking for an “on-going learning professional teacher model” and decided to introduce a “reflective practitioner model” in 2014. Therefore, the faculty developed the FSTPD program for student teachers. To examine whether the program enhanced their competency, researchers analyzed their journal notes and it was concluded that they had gained the necessary practical knowledge. However, the analysis was carried out by only two researchers in the faculty and did not investigate whether the student teachers themselves were convinced that they had become more reflective. Opportunities to find and recognize reflective episodes were needed for the student teachers, so there was a need to develop a procedure which, it was assumed, would assist the student teachers to recognize that they had gained practical knowledge through reflection. Dimova & Kamarska (2015) reorganized Dewey’s phases of inquiry into three situations and six steps. These phases of inquiry were taught to, and used by the student teachers to assist them in gaining the necessary practical knowledge. A procedure was developed to help them to arrange their episodes of reflection during teaching practice according to the phases of inquiry. This study shows the development of a procedure using the phases of inquiry and investigates whether it assisted student teachers to recognize their gains in practical knowledge. After a four-week period of teaching practice in elementary schools, a procedure was trialed. Twenty undergraduate student teachers were asked to consider their reflective episodes via a newly developed worksheet-based procedure. Finally, 21 worksheets were collected (one student teacher wrote two worksheets). There were various kinds of practical knowledge which the student teachers realized they had gained. Faculty staff with relevant teaching experience indicated that almost all were appropriate.}, pages = {11--16}, title = {Developing a Procedure to Assist Student Teachers to Recognize Gains in Their Practical Knowledge During Teaching Practice}, volume = {17}, year = {2018} }